Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I Can't Go On Pretending Forever

It's inevitable. Let's face it, in the wee hours of the morning, the kids are GOING to wake up. They are going to ask for cartoons, milk, crackers, and cheerios. When I finally get them all set up with the "morning necessities", the tiny one will wake up. At least she can entertain herself (I put lots of toys in her crib for that very reason.)

So this morning as I lay there, desperately trying to sleep, (pretending that my kids are NOT destroying the house by getting into the bag of oreos and crushing them into teeny tiny pieces and spreading them out all over the couch and bathroom floor)...I decided that we need to have a snooze button on the kids.

"Mommy, the sun is out."


"but I'm going back to bed for 10 more minutes."


  1. You develop, I promise I'll buy, no matter what the cost. I'll sell a kid to pay for it!

  2. And make one for cats too!

  3. If you figure that one out, let me know.

  4. you get the announcement of the sun's location each morning too?

  5. LOL

    YES, yes you need to paton...patont...patond (sp? so you've gathered I can't spell) that and make millions!

    I'd buy 10 of them. No I don't have ten kids (THANK THE GOOD GOD) but they would make great gifts for my friends with kids.

    I like your blog, by the way.

  6. Please help me with that one.. as someone who has nobody to take up even 5 minutes of slack.. a snooze button on a toddler - I can only dream. and if it's not Faith.. it's Nathan (my crazy dog).

    baby/dog conspiracy.

  7. Amen to the snooze button for cats! Sorry, don't have kids yet.

  8. Cats learn fast, they dodge flying objects.


Oh come on-- the least you can do is say HELLO!! You didn't come all this way to turn around and walk away, did you? DID YOU??