Saturday, July 16, 2005

I WANT to complain...I Really, REALLY want to...

I get so frustrated on Saturday mornings. We all have a different "priority list" of things to get done over the weekend, and it causes major upset in the LittleMiss household. I WANT to argue with my husband, I want to break out the boxing gloves...I think, maybe I should just write about it...get it out of my system, and move on with the "not really getting anything done on Saturday because we can't agree on a single thing" day. I WANT to complain!

Then guilt creeps into my conscience...(insert favorite swear word here)...I am totally blessed to have my husband. He's the only one who truly gets me, he's the greatest father (he initiated the tuck your kids in at midnight just to see how cute they are rule), he's provided us with a comfortable lifestyle, he'd rather be home with me than anywhere else in the world, and he's my best friend; I love him to pieces.

Dammit...and all I wanted to do was complain. What did I get? A sappy love story.

Damn him for being so good.


  1. Nothing wrong with complaining.

    The trick is not to make it hurtful or personal.

    That's hard sometimes I know.

    Just remember, they are only men.

    Yeah, I know, it's not a good excuse but it's the only one they have.

  2. But I got a kick out of the follow-up comment!! I won't ask.

    Count your blessings.. and sometimes bitching is just a fun hobby if done the right way.

    :) Holli

  3. I know, I know... I should delete my first comment. But like mlwhitt said, "sometimes a little complaint can keep the peace." He read my blog for the first time today, and we actually laughed about it. I can't blame the man, but I CAN blame his ego. Thanks for your support.

  4. glad the dust settled, and thanks for tonight, we had a great time, but next time, your going down! Jeff blogs and sometimes he gets upset about my addiction.

  5. This happens to me too, every Saturday! I'm cussing under my breath. Then I feel bad about posting it because he's really the greatest! You gotta vent however or you'll blow up like me and I'm cussing and snots flying. Thanks for stopping by my blog and I'll definitely be back to this one:0)

  6. This happens to me too, every Saturday! I'm cussing under my breath. Then I feel bad about posting it because he's really the greatest! You gotta vent however or you'll blow up like me and I'm cussing and snots flying. Thanks for stopping by my blog and I'll definitely be back to this one:0)

  7. Great post! First time at stopping by. Enjoyed all you had to say. Made me laugh. Sounds like you have your hands full. I had three dumplins', all grown now and now I have three grandchildren. Always keep your sense of humor girl!

  8. Know what you mean.

    I at least have you to bitch too about my family!


Oh come on-- the least you can do is say HELLO!! You didn't come all this way to turn around and walk away, did you? DID YOU??