or is it just me?
No? No one else? Hmmm.

good moms, bad days and other stories
Yesterday was a bad day. We were running late for school, my Kindergartner was fighting me the whole way, the three year old was screaming at me, and the two year old refused to get dressed. I was frantic. I finally got to school and my oldest smashed her two fingers in the seat belt and said, "owe shit!".
Great. Now I have a little girl that swears.
I took the others to a doctor's appointment that was full of tears and fighting, got lost on the way home, missed nap time, got the 5 year old home from school...only to find a note from the principal that she had 3 absences and 5 tardies.
I received this LECTURE of a paper about how this affects my child's education and continuing on this path will ultimately lead to a life of crime. (no, I'm NOT kidding.) To top it off, I'm supposed to sign and date this paper and return it to the principal. It's manipulative and I'm impulsive. Mix that with my short temper...and things are likely to get ugly. So what do I do? If I talk to the school, I will probably make a fool of myself because I am so angry and frustrated. If I sign the paper, I'm only giving in to their little system that I'm hating right now. If I don't sign the paper, I've heard rumors that eventually they'll send a social worker out to the house. That's ALL I NEED!
Can you imagine?? It's like fighting a police officer over a speeding ticket that's under 5 mph over the limit. Arguing with him will only piss him off, he'll feel disrespected--and we all know what happens then! You just can't win!
I need to let it go. I'm just praying that the school won't approach me over this matter; otherwise, I'm afraid I'll tell them EXACTLY what I think.