Dear Tiny,
Two years ago, you came screaming into this world. The instant our midwife put you on my chest, you lifted your head. You smiled before you were old enough, you crawled too soon, and you reached your terrible two's eight months ago! Why do you have to grow up so fast?! You know how to push your brother and sister's buttons, you talk back to your parents, and you climb out of bed at 3 a.m. and help yourself to Cheerios and cartoons.

I'm sure it's a combination of having two older siblings teaching you things every day, and the fact that you're just pure genius
(says the mom!)--but you are simply amazing. You love to play pretend with your baby dolls and kitchen toys. You love to run around naked. And you do NOT like to wear pants...they have to be SHORTS. Your vocabulary is out of control. You have so many words, and you

know how to use them. Besides that, you can express your thoughts and needs even
if you don't know the right words to use. You can run, jump, and climb like most THREE year olds, and you sing songs and read books. Again, WHY do you have to grow up so fast?! In fact, I'm not sure if anyone ever told you that you were supposed to be a baby! You learn things too quickly, and you insist on growing up before everyone else your age. In fact, if I don't publish this post soon, I'm going to have to edit in your first basketball game,

your first date, and your first day of high school!
Happy Birthday, Teeny Tiny. I love you much. You make our family complete.
Lullabies and kisses,