Ok, so you know that person in your life you call for guidance? The one who always knows the right thing to say at the right time? The one who tells you, "advice is what you ask for when you already know the answer"?
It's the first person you call when you receive news, whether good OR bad, and that person helps you figure out HOW you need to deal with that news. Sometimes you just need to hear, "it's going to be alright, this is life," or "just take it one day at a time, and stop projecting," or simply "pull your head out of your ass and go write your gratitude list!"
Sometimes you need to hear that person's voice just to feel sane once again. You know...when the world seems to be crashing down around you? And you feel like you can't even breathe?? It's the person who will calm your fears, talk you down, and give you guidance and comfort through it all. The one who fills many roles in your life: from friend and advisor to career counselor; from doctor to financial advisor, from spiritual guidance counselor to mechanic; the one who seems to know it all. This person, my Yoda...
is my dad. I may forget his birthday every year, and not remember until father's day (even AFTER my mom calls all the way from Australia just to remind me to call and wish him a happy birthday)...then be so embarrassed that I don't even want to talk about it, but it's because I love him and appreciate him EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. not just on special occasions. I know that's not an excuse, (and you could insert a comment here like: yeah, you only forget about him ON those "special occasions"!) but that's not true. He is such a HUGE part of my life. I am incredibly proud of him. The trials he has overcome has only strengthened my love and appreciation for him as well as for our relationship.
I love my daddy! I am grateful for the man he has always been, the man he has become, and the father he has been all along. When he tells me to write my gratitude list?--he is the first person I think of and suddenly my life is calm once again. He is MY HERO. I can never give back all that he has given me; I can only pray that I will make him as proud of me as I am of him.
Happy Father's Day. Happy Birthday.
Happy E.V.E.R.Y.D.A.Y.
i love you.